We Believe...
..that the solution to inequality, pain, suffering, and lack in the world is 'those that have' sharing willingly from the heart with 'those that have not' who are sick and/or needy.
Warm clothing and bedding for babies, quilts for the aged, books for the disadvantaged, essentials and household goods for those who have lost everything in floods, house fires, or due to job loss; these are just some of the need we assist with. You can help.
Relief Share is ...
"loving thy neighbor as thyself".
The Savior has provided mankind this great commandment that belongs at the center of all we think, feel, and do in regards to our fellowman. We can be the solution to all we see wrong with humanity as we reach out and take care of the sick and needy. We can also be the difference between heaven and hell for those who are suffering or doing without.
Relief Share is love in action. You can be the difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Be there, care and help through www.ReliefShare.org