Charity quilt for child in hospital – this little boy loves the Cardinals!


This quilt was certainly made with a lot of love. We used a Cardinals t-shirt purchased at Walmart as we couldn’t find any St Louis Cardinals fabric to use. Walmart also had the perfect red, blue and yellow fabric to go with the red shirting material with logo. We strip quilted the quilt and purchased stabilizer to iron on the back of the shirt that we had to carefully cut open on the seams to use for the quilt. Fortunately, there was a quilt shop having a sale of 40% off in town so we got the stabilizer there.

When the patchwork quilt was pieced, we added the patient’s name in applique on the top of the quilt. Everyone is so excited to see the quilt done and donated to this darling little boy. He has had many many operations in his short lifetime and is always cheery and fun to be around. What a good example to the rest of us, eh?!


You can see the Cardinals tied polar fleece blanket and the cardinals quilt under that on top of our donations of quilts, etc going into the hospital.  There were a lot of happy children when the donations were given out!

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